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Relaxing Evening Birdsong

Although it’s close to the Summer Solstice, the weather remains very changeable; regularly alternating from sunny to dull and wet. However this is enabling vegetation to thrive. It is lovely to hear birdsong still. One in particular the blackbird (Turdus merula) is a joy to hear, especially in the evening. Sadly Blackbird numbers have reduced in recent years, due to the Usutu virus (increasing because of warmer winters), and the BTO are asking for help with a citizen science survey. If you have a garden and could spend some time recording your local blackbirds then please consider taking part. The link, for more information can be found here.

Elder (Sambucus nigra) is flowering now in woodlands, amongst hedgerows and in gardens, taking over from the Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna).

Elder can thrive for up to 60 years and reach 15 meters in height. It is thought that the common name developed from ‘aeld’ the Anglo-Saxon word for fire as the spongy centre of the branches can be hollowed out, enabling it to be used as a bellow to help ignite fires. As with the Rowan (Sorbus) tree, it was thought that the Elder could ward off evil spirits, along with the devil and witches. It was also believed that breaking or cutting any part of an elder would bring misfortune to the person responsible unless permission was granted from the elder mother (regarded as the witch or guardian within the tree) beforehand. However, the Elder tree is great for foragers. Both the flowers and vitamin c rich berries can be used for making cordials and preserves; although it is important to remember to cook the berries, making them safe, before consuming. Other uses for Elder have included whittling the stem into craft items such as beads, making whistles, using the foliage as a fly repellent in dairies as well as to create dyes. Historically all the dyes for Harris tweed came from the Elder, with each part of the plant resulting in different colours. The berries produced Blues and purples, the leaves created yellow and green while the bark was used to gain the greys and black dyes. Small mammals eat both the flowers and berries whilst birds such as Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla), Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) and Thrushes (Turdus) enjoy the berries which ripen from late summer through to autumn. The flowers are also great for pollinators. Plus the caterpillars of the White-spotted pug (Eupithecia tripunctaria), Swallowtail (Papilionidae), Dot moth (Melanchra persicariae) and Buff ermine moths (Spilarctia luteum) will eat the leaves.

I have noticed a few Oak apples on several oak trees (Quercus) recently.

The growth of galls is a reaction to the Oak apple gall wasp (Biorhiza pallida) laying eggs in the leaf bud. They can reach up to 5cms in diameter and contain wasp larvae in chambers. While the larvae eat the tissue of the host tree, they do little long-term damage so the Oaks remain largely unscathed. The galls can be found in the tree canopy in May and June and the adult wasps will emerge in June and July. It is also possible to have a second generation within the same year with eggs being laid in the ground next to the roots. A picture of the wasp can be found at Naturespot. Once the galls are empty (they will have holes once the wasps have gone) they can be collected and made into oak gall ink. I look forward to giving this a go later in the year. Instructions on how to make this ink can be found here.

Some insects that I was able to see have been beetles. Unlike those which remain at ground level, some can be found on flowers as they wait for prey; this is where I saw these, a Malachite beetle (Malachius bipustulatus) and a Soldier beetle (Cantharis rustica).

The Malachite beetle is greener (emerald-like except for the red spots) than this photo is able to show, hence the common name given to it.

Malachite beetle adults are about 6mm in length and can be found between April and August. Later in the year they can also be found on tree bark where they lay larvae for the following year.

The soldier beetle is larger (between 9-13mm in length) again they consume other insects.

Black and red in colour, the Cantharis rustica is one of the UKs largest soldier beetles. Snails, worms and other invertebrates are eaten by its larvae, which can be found under rocks and leaf litter throughout winter.

There are lots of flowers blooming now and it is lovely to have the opportunity to learn more about wildflowers. Two new additions to my knowledge are, Salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor)

The delicate red flowers of the Salad burnet.

and Cotton thistle (Onopordum acanthium)- see below.

Salad burnet grows on chalky, limestone grassland. Part of the Rosacea family, as the common name suggests, its leaves (which have a cucumber scent when crushed) can be added to salads as well as summer drinks.

A poultice made from the flowerheads can be used to treat wounds as compounds within them can stem bleeding. It can grow up to 50 cms tall and spreads via rhizomes.

The common name of Cotton thistle derives from the hairs on the leaves which resemble cotton. This thistle has many names including the Giant thistle, Silver thistle, Scots thistle as well as Queen Mary’s thistle. Although this plant is often connected to Scotland, the emblem used in Scottish heraldry and the national emblem of Scotland is most likely to be the Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare). The large silvery foliage of the Cotton thistle makes this wildflower quite striking. A biennial, the growth in the second year can reach up to 3 meters high and the leaves 10-50 cms in width. It particularly enjoys growing in fertile soil in areas that have been disturbed, along with roadsides and fields. Its pinky purple flowers bloom in summer. Some caterpillars like those of the Thistle ermine moth (Myelois circumvoluta) will eat the leaves. Pollinators and Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) also visit the flower heads, the latter eating the seeds.

Posted in nature

National Tree Week (23/11/19-01/12/19)

Meteorological winter has begun. Rather appropriately Autumn turned wintery yesterday as we had a very cold and frosty start to the morning. Apparently it was the coldest night since February.

National tree week ends today too. Started by the Tree Council in 1975 it’s a time to focus on the importance of tree planting along with celebrate these amazing plants. The week coincides with the best time of year to plant trees. This time round there has been a specific emphasis on promoting the usefulness of trees in combating climate change (by pollution and carbon dioxide absorption).

I have planted many trees in the past, however last week the main job continued to be leaf collection.

A little momento of some beautiful leaves.

While most trees shed leaves consistently over a period of time, in my experience, leaf drop of English/ Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) and European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) tends to occur in one go at the end of Autumn. This has certainly been true this year, as we collected huge amounts of leaves from large Oak and Beech trees in many gardens; their beautiful rich autumnal colours like carpets on the ground.

Both these deciduous trees are from the Fagaceae family which explains their similarities. Both grow to great heights, have dense canopies and can exhibit marcescence (where some dead leaves are retained on the trees throughout winter).

Both trees are great for wildlife too. Beech nuts are eaten by Deer, Badgers (Meles meles), Grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), Mice, Chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) and Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla). Even the foliage is food for caterpillars of several species of moth like the Barred hook-tip (Drepana cultraria) and Olive crescent (Trisateles emortualis). Beech trees create a vital habitat for butterflies along woodland edges as well; including Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines) and Gatekeepers (Pyronia tithonus). Plus ectomycorrhizal truffle fungi grow beneath them. Turned into hedges, Beech can also create a habitat for birds.

As with the European Beech, the Pedunculate Oak supports a variety of fungi, animals, birds- particularly Jays (Garrulus glandarius) and insects such as Stag beetles (Lucanus cervus)
and the Purple hairstreak (Neozephyrus quercus) and Purple emperor (Apatura iris) butterflies. In fact of all the native British trees the Pedunculate Oak supports more wildlife than any other tree. Even its leaf litter and dead wood is full of life. I love these wonderful trees, especially ancient oaks. I enjoy thinking of all the hidden life existing alongside me as I work in the gardens. Also they are wonderful trees to hug. 🌳🤗