
I am a gardener who loves the natural world. I practice wildlife gardening and write a diary of my observations, learning as I go.

My love of nature developed from an early age having grown up surrounded by beautiful countryside. My enjoyment of gardening is probably in my genes, I have very vivid and warm memories of my family’s gardens.

Inspired by nature and cultivated flowers I explore the texture, natural form and colours reflected in them through crochet.

My interest in crafts was passed on from my mum and grandmothers. Throughout my life, I have busied myself with one craft or another. However, as soon as I taught myself crochet, I fell in love with it. As with gardening, It is therapeutic and allow me to explore my creative side.

In the Sundew Crochet posts I chat about my crochet adventures. The Round leaved (Drosera rotundifolia) Sundews sticky tendrils, which capture insects, appear to be covered in dew when the sun shines on them. Found on Sphagnum mosses in bog pools, wet heathland and peaty moor habitats, the loss of these delicate  ecosystems will impact on the Round-leaved sundews survival. This fascinating plant  is Shropshire’s county flower and has interesting folklore attached to it. It was used as a love charm (due to its ability to attract and hold onto insects) and an anti-aging potion (because it retains moisture on hot sunny days). I would love to see this beautiful plant in the wild someday. My fascination with it has led me to use it in my crochet name.

Recycling is important to me so I also incorporate second-hand items and recycle materials in my crochet when I can.

My childhood books-