Posted in nature

What Present Would you Buy for Bees?

It was lovely to see Buff-tailed bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) flying around Heathers last week. Heathers are a little out of fashion these day. Hardly ever used in modern garden designs, these plants are usually found in established gardens or only placed in container displays.

However, I think this trend should be reversed. I’d like to see their inclusion in more gardens as they are valuable to pollinators at this time of year.

The photo above shows that Heathers are wonderful additions to gardens in late autumn through to early spring, when Buff-tail Bumblebees still forage on milder days. These shrubs even add visual interest when other plants have started to die back; another reason to include them. For advice on growing Heathers see the RHS website.

Buff-tailed bumblebees are increasingly being seen late in the year as they establish nests well into October and November. Therefore worker bees visiting blooms now and throughout mild winters is not unusual (See the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website) for further information.

To add Heathers (or other winter flowering shrubs) is a wonderful present to give bumblebees, to help them survive into next year.

2 thoughts on “What Present Would you Buy for Bees?

  1. I’d like to add some heather to the garden for bees – one for the shopping list when I can visit garden centres again! Here we have mahonia, Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’ and yellow winter jasmine all in flower and I have seen one or two bees when it’s sunny. 🙂

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